"Girl With Pearl Earstud 2"

"Girl With Pearl Earstud 2"

Wow - I hope you don't mind me saying this is a big leap forward. Great portrait!

Thanks Guy - I've been missing from here for a while - about 6 years I think - a few things cropped up which derailed things somewhat - heart attack & multiple heart by-pass etc - awkward stuff like that - but it's good to read positive comments like yours.

A marvellous portrait Trevor, such perfect detail.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is painted in W & N Griffin Alkyd oil (quick drying) on a 60cm x 40cm stretched canvas set in a plain dark mahogany effect contemporary tray frame. It is actually sold and I have had requests to paint it again - might just do that as I still have all my preparatory bits & pieces (The original was done using an old battered photograh as a reference & a lot of artistic licence) I have tried to capture an air of mystery, intrigue and perhaps romance tinged with a touch of intimacy provoked by the direct eye contact with the subject.

About the Artist
Trevor Ferguson

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