

Lovely work. Nice combination of the mediums.

Posted on Thu 01 Feb 19:03:53

Maxwell is so beautifully detailed,nice little chirper.

Lovely work Paulette

Lovely. Maxwell has character.

He's gorgeous. Very real.

Such a gorgeous little Sparrow Paulette so very well drawn!

Beautiful I like the movement caught in the wing and tail feathers.

He is just delightful Paulette .

A lovely piece, stunning in its simplicity. Love the rendering of the wonderfully fluffy down.

Lovely little painting Paulette, very nice

I think you have a glorious technique, Paulette. All the detail required for great realism, but not labored.

Wow. Thanks for all the feedback. I am forging ahead with my drive to make charcoal my dominant medium. It’s great to see I’m getting there

I find birds so difficult to paint, this is really good Paulette.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is Maxwell. He is such a little chirper. I drew him the other day in charcoal, which he seemed to quite like, then I went in with some oil pastel on his wing and completely ruined it. I thought I'd forget it but he was chirping away in my head so I had to draw him again. This time it's charcoal, pastel and watercolour on Canson watercolour paper.

About the Artist
Paulette Farrell

Professional Artist. For 2020 I have decided to focus my work on cricket (which I love) and figure / portrait paintings and drawings. Although I am able to draw and paint birds, still lifes and animals and have been successful selling them I noted that whilst painting them I was forever thinking…

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