I Phone APP

I Phone APP

How innovative you are. A grand job you have made of a difficult execution. Hope everything going ok. x

Hi Jeannette...an interesting concept...recognised it instinctively from your colours...this is the sort of near-abstract view from a fast-moving coach on a motorway...captured as an artwork.

lovely and colourful and very clever !

I'm so impressed that you are using technology in this way! Very interesting effect you have achieved quite abstract and I agree with Phil's interpretation. Lovely colour as always, and I hope you are well...

Thank you all for commenting on this small digitally produced artwork. People around me were wondering what I was doing! Rubbing my telephone continually turning it around! A lady asked me what I was doing. I showed her and was very embarrassed because she wanted to show other people. If there were any artists of leisure painters amongst the people sitting in one of those airports, ports etc recently, then this is the app for them. I wasn't a bit bored. Think how many masterpieces you could produce sitting there for days? Poor things.

i've done many of these on my LG touchscreen! trouble is i cant download them onto my PC (techno dinosaur!)

Well you certainly know how to make the best of a boring wait by escaping to a lovely, peaceful place in your imagination. I like it.... there's even a sunny peak!

Well you are a clever lady! A great way to spend your time whilst waiting for your appointment. Has a nice abstract feel about it. Hope your appointment went well, will e mail soon.

Thank you for yoru kind comments on my drawing. The course is going steadily and first stages extremely boring as I expected. If I have to paint another colour wheel or stick another square of colour on top of another I think I'll scream. You don't actually paint anything until page 120 and that's so exciting- an apple!!!!! YOu have been busy; this is areal change for you but the colours are still very much you.. These programmes are great to play about with. I got a little graphics tablet; fun but not something I'd take up permanently..

Very impressive work from a highly talented lady. Thanks for your comments on my work. It is always a pleasure to receive encouragement; especially so when it comes from a highly skilled artist such as yourself.

So clever Jeannette! I really love it, real "modernism"!

How pleased I was to read your message and know you're well - maybe not as well as you'd like but off to Argelès soon. What is your user name for the forum as there it's easy to write personal messages in the "in" box! I'm also on Facebook but keep it as restricted and private as possible with just a few" friends"! Glad you like my locks and old bits n' pieces. Not much time in the summer for painting as hols and garden keep me very busy but I was actually back to my drawing board this afternoon when I read your message. Sorry about your Dad and hope your Mum enjoys her holiday in France. The weather has been good recently but it only needs a few days of rain to upset a few days holiday. Looking foreward to seeing your lovely work soon, lol Avril.

Hi Jeannette, This is a very interesting work. I'd never heard of this before. Hope all's well.

Hang on Studio Wall

The painting was created on my I Phone a download application. There are basic tools. A little difficult bearing in mind you are painting with your finger on a screen less than half the size of a postcard. Comes in very handy sitting anywhere you are a little bored (waiting in the hospital for my appointment which was running late). This is the only artwork I have managed to create in recent weeks. (If you can call it that!) 3 x 2 inches. Imaginary piece of course.

About the Artist
Jeannette Harrison

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