

Oh Denise, stop it! Is there NOTHING you can't do? You're the sort of person who, if you'd engaged me to teach you, you'd have ended up teaching me. Mind you, a bit more work on the nostrils would make this perfect - felt I had to say that, to justify myself! But it's superb - a strong drawing, the lights well observed, and an extremely effective piece overall. You've no business being this good! It's all wrong! But you are - don't let it go to your head, continue to practise and improve, study the form of objects - but you really are much more than half way there on all of it. This is why one hates you so.......

Robert, thank you very much, I am so overwhelmed by what you have said and if I lived close to you, you would never be rid of me. I would have loved to have had an art teacher but you have all given me great advice and shown me the way to go.

Well Denise I have to agree with a lot of the points made by Robert , you are a excellent artist and are continuing to get better . I’m not jealous etc I will leave that to Mr J , I do admire your skill and your hard work and dedication to learning your art. As to the above sketch , it’s just another excellent example of your talent and skill do let it go to your head a bit and let people know how good you are . I love looking for your work to see what’s next, please keep at it .

Great portrait Denise!!

It's a very powerful image Denise, I particularly like how you've done his eyes, the highlights are much more subtle than those on the nose and mouth. I think if you were to tone down and blend these highlights a tad then it would in my very humble opinion, be perfect, but then who the hell am I to offer advice on someone else's work.

Another top drawing. I said sometime back that you are a natural with this art malarky...and you get better and better.

A really striking portrait Denise. You have achieved a very good solid face with great expression. Clever use of charcoal.

Another five star...

Super good Denise and agree wholeheartedly with the comments

Very dramatic Denise and very well done. It’s wonderful to see how you are enjoying your art, learning and overcoming “ problems”. You’re on a lifelong journey now.

Once again you demonstrate your ability! It is very good indeed!!

Thanks for your encouraging comments much appreciated Paul, Sarah, Russell, Lewis, Tessa, Sylvia, Heather, Marjorie and David. I always appreciate advice Russell.

A really striking image Denise!

An excellent portrait Denise.

Absolutely wonderful Denise! What more needs to be said!

Brilliant Denise, but it would have been a lot easier, to work with chalk or pastels on black paper.

Hang on Studio Wall
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I'm practising some portrait sketches this evening. This is in charcoal.

About the Artist
Denise Cat

My name is, Denise. I started painting at the end of April during the Covid lockdown 2020. I’ve never painted before or had any experience of doing any art. I walked into a shop, bought some watercolours and have been trying to teach myself. I have pain conditions and had to retire early last year…

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