The High Street.


Hardly a failure Denise, I’d be very pleased to have painted this. A good palette and the figures are perfect for this type of painting.

I remember you posting this on the forum Denise , it come out really well certainly not a failure but I agree we learn more from our mistakes. The colours and the figures are spot on and it’s beautifully drawn .

I like your figures Denise, very loosely painted, they look great

Do not think it is a failure, Denise. It’s full of interest.

Have to agree this is certainly not a failure Denise more of I can do it better next time. Which is perhaps we all aim to do if we can. But failure No!

Thanks for your kind comments Andrew, Paul, Steven, David and Chris.

I think most of us suspect we have failed half way through a painting Denise. Quite a few of mine get chucked, and then after I wonder if I could have improved them! At least you kept going, whether or not you’re satisfied with the end result, you probably learned more by keeping at it, than I did by abandoning ship. I don’t think it’s a failure but I know from the forum that you struggled with it. I guess if you reconsider any parts you’re not happy with and think how you think you could or should have bettered them, you will have a win in the end!

It was certainly worth posting it Denise. There's so much that IS good about it. I really like the buildings either side. Interesting to see how you have used colours and tones to construct them. The figures are very convincing too.

I like that vertical building and the addition of figures giving this painting narrative Diane.

Glad you stuck with it - some tricky perspectives to paint

This is super Denise. Lovely perspective, super figures and I love how you’ve painted the buildings.

I think the picture is really good, well done 👍

Not a failure at all Denise.Some lovely parts to this painting- the colours and the figures.

You’ve already mentioned this in your write up Denise but it isn’t failing, it’s learning. I never set out to create a masterpiece, each piece I make, I class as a practice for the next one I do. There is much to compliment in your painting and you know which parts perhaps didn’t work so well, this time. Your figure work is terrific by the way.

My favourite bit is the woman on the left, credible yet loose. I’m going to say something and I hope you don’t mind Denise…if you crop it just above the clock it works very well. Fiona is right, we all expect everything to work and we’re disappointed when it doesn’t seem to. It’s hard to keep going when we’re not enjoying it - there are a lot of good things here though.

Thanks for your comments Tessa, Diane, Carole, Heather, Spencer, Stephen, Christine, Fiona and Marjorie.

Glad I found this painting in the watercolour section Denise, as I did view your drawings and you have painted it super! I love the Church Tower and this Arcade with people and those windows look amazing, so put a feather in your cap as it's a huge success! Glad I found it in the watercolour section as our time zone misses some of the current paintings in the gallery, but I remembered your drawing and that was excellent! Keep up the fine work and even if we struggle sometimes be assured that with persistence it can alter a multitude of nitty gritty inklings!

Great work Denise. Lovely painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

I put this painting aside a couple of weeks ago as I was failing in it. Today, I thought I would grit my teeth and try and finish it. I knew I couldn't put it right but it gave me some added practice. I cropped some of it. It is a local shopping area. I think there is much to learn from failure. Watercolour.

About the Artist
Denise Cat

My name is, Denise. I started painting at the end of April during the Covid lockdown 2020. I’ve never painted before or had any experience of doing any art. I walked into a shop, bought some watercolours and have been trying to teach myself. I have pain conditions and had to retire early last year…

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