

What a beautiful cat, eyes are terrific, lovely painting.

For someone who isn't really a "cat" person this is fantastic! The eyes and nose are perfect and he/she stands out so well on the dark background. Did you use gouache for the longer fur? A beautiful painting.

Beautiful use of colour in the fur, and I agree with Karleen and Avril that the eyes are stunning.

Not a cat person but this is beautiful. Those eyes are so glassy. Really well done Diana.

Wow, I think that is your best yet. Super fur and those eyes....... Just been catching up on the forum, congratulations on your London exhibitions, very well deserved.

Avril. I'm not a cat person either; I'm allergic to them but couldn't resist this one. No there's no gouache, it's completely watercolour. Masking fluid for the long hairs. Thank you so much everyone and Val thanks for the congratulations. I still haven't come down to earth.

Great painting Love it. Nice work Diana !

Very good image Diana...Love the eyes..Steve.

Such a fluffy cat, so well interpretted. Great watercolour.

I actually enjoy painting white Thea; White beard, polar bears, white cat. I love looking for the colours reflected in the fur.

All the compliments above are so well deserved Diana. It's a beautiful painting.

This looks like a kitten......the painting of the fur is superb.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour 8" x 12"

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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