Old tintagel texture play

Old tintagel texture play

Looking great Nancy a beautiful piece

You've really mastered control of the medium - lovely loose result.

Very lovely texture, Nancy.

This simply smashing, that means very good across the pond.

Beautifully painted, lovin the colour combos. Really nice work Nancy.

lovely style Nancy,

I like your style and colour combinations. I like it as it is and ' less is more' so I wouldn't do anything else to it! But, If you feel you want to add something to it then I would bring one of the buildings ( but not both) down a bit I.e add more of the building. I hope you don't mind my suggestion, but as I say I would leave it!

This is a super painting. I like the boxy architecture and the colour balance.

thank you ALL !! for your kind comments and Derek for calling it 'smashing', much appreciated! :)

Thanks Willie for liking the box-y-ness of it, that opens my eye to perhaps a way to treat the bottom. And Janet, I really appreciate your suggestion, I welcome criticism and suggestions always! I had not planned this one out, just dug in at the top on the roofs, and lots of spatter and texture, and then this large space at the bottom appeared and other than cutting it off.....I am unsure how to handle, or if I need to ...... I am going to put it away and then look at it for a while later,,,, and will consider your idea! Thanks ! :)

Hang on Studio Wall

watercolor, 1/2 sheet rough 140 pound arches, lots of spatter and playful attempts at texture.....still experimenting. There is a little pastel in the roof. Not sure what to do with the bottom part. Still trying to sort out an interesting way to paint this incredible old stone building. Thank you for looking & for your time with any helpful criticism. I am so happy to have found this UK Gallery and the support and back and forth communication among so many fine artists.

About the Artist
Nancy Farrar Coughlin

I have recently escaped to the coast, to Grays Harbor in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. I love nature, being outdoors, the ocean as well as the woods. I am grateful for life, after a ruptured appendix and a year of healing recently; I am treasuring every day! It was time to move…

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