'Portrait of Gawthorpe Hall'

'Portrait of Gawthorpe Hall'

Lovely dramatic effect, very nice.

Ah. My ideal home. I like it, dramatic, powerful, and confident.

Great colours, attractive painting.

Thank you all for your comments - really appreciated! This was painted with my usual restricted palette, this time it was just black, white, crimson red, ultramarine and yellow ochre...

I live just 3 miles away from this and have honestly never thought of it in these colours. I have tried to paint it but failed miserably. What atmosphere. My late mother in law would have loved this as she was a Girl Guide there under Lady Shuttleworth.

Must show my husband as he used to live right across the road

Very atmospheric and dramatic. Fab

Angela - thank you! Glad you like it. Diana - the colours came from the history of the place, the drama and aggression from the threat of invasion by the Scots. Everything else just followed on! I saw a wrought iron gate in the grounds with the GG logo and pondered on the connection. I would like to see your paintings of the Hall, if possible - I'm delighted that you like my version!

Hi Martin, I thought you weren't far away from me. Sorry my Gawthorpe attempts went in the bin; have never been able to capture it properly or Towneley for that matter. Many thanks for the comments on the three local paintings. Did you see my "village" gallery of the villages between Burnley and Todmorden? Your style is ever so much like my tutor on my OCA course. I think you'd love his work. Have a look at http://www.winningartstudios.co.uk/index.htm

Hi Diana - I'm actually in Silsden. Thanks for the web link - I'll have a look. Didn't know how to thank you directly for your comments - and I couldn't navigate back to your portfolio page to look at any other work! I'll give it another go, but I can't quite get my head around this particular forum. Ah well...

Hang on Studio Wall

'Portrait of Gawthorpe Hall' Gawthorpe Hall, Padiham, Lancashire, was originally built as a Pele (or Peel) Tower in the 14th century - a watchtower and defencehold against the invading Scots. In 1600 it was rebuilt, incorporating the original tower, for the Shuttleworth family. It underwent another redesign in 1850 by Sir Charles Barry (who went on to design the Houses of Parliament) and was taken into the care of The National Trust in 1970. The Hall is now financed and run in partnership with Lancashire County Council. Acrylic on canvas 70cm x 70cm

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Martin Williamson

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