Roag from Roskhill

Roag from Roskhill

Lovely sketch book work Margaret, keep it going!

Great sketch Margaret, beautifully balanced.

Very atmospheric and full of spontaneity. Well done Margaret.

Like this sketch Margaret and the format gives a good overview.

Great sketchbook work Margaret, it has the freshness of plein air.

Beautiful sketch painting Margaret.

Really love your sketch book work. Would love to sit down and look through them.

That's a great sketch, Margaret. It's the basis for a fine painting.

Love pen and wash sketches, Margaret, and the wide format works well.

That's beautiful Margaret, a lovely colour palette and love the panoramic view 😀

Thank you Alan for your encouragement. Thank you Satu, Gudrun, Mia, Carole (K), Fiona, and Carole (S). Thank you Jennifer- I must admit I like looking through sketch books too :)

Thank you Lewis - I've got lots of sketches but not very good at turning them into paintings! Have started doing it - need to do some more :)

Thank you Jenny :) I often seem to use the wide format - the subject matter I usually sketch seems to suit it best.

Hang on Studio Wall

Here is another one from 2017 as I've not been doing any drawing/painting for the last week or so. A6 sketchbook, watercolour and artist pen. Done on holiday in Skye. Pretty sure this was done "en plein air".

About the Artist
Margaret Nisbet

I'm an amateur artist. I have drawn all my life - used to be mainly portraits but now a wider range. Did a lot of portrait/figure drawing at classes for a while in the 1990s then had a break from doing much at all until a couple of years ago, since when I've gone back to classes and workshops run…

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