My attempt at a quick wrong handed drawing of Reid Memorial church

My attempt at a quick wrong handed drawing of Reid Memorial church

It's so interesting to try this isn't it? I hadn't thought about it until Lewis mentioned 'wrong' hand drawing, but depending whether we're left or right handed, it seems to influence our decision making when painting. Being right handed, I draw from left to right. Using the 'wrong' hand is impossible for me. You've got that wobbly hand look here but that adds somewhat to the liveliness of the sketch and I bet you quite enjoyed doing this one. Makes you think doesn't it :)

It looks good Margaret, I've never thought about trying it. I must have a try.

Thanks, I did enjoy doing it Louise! and, I must admit, this was a very quick sketch - I took a fraction of the time to do the previous drawing. I have tried this before I think but years ago. I do actually use my left hand quite a lot (according to my husband I should be left handed! but definitely not on the evidence of this drawing!) Thanks, Margaret - I think Louise (with the one-line drawings) and Lewis (with these wrong-handed drawings) has started something here! Would be interesting to see the results from lots of folk :)

When I was a student (many years ago), one of my friend students broke her right arm and had to draw and paint with her left hand. Out of solidarity, we all started drawing and painting with our "wrong" hand. It was such great fun and we were rather successful after a while. So I certainly will give it a go one of those days, Margaret.

I think that's excellent, Margaret. Interesting that you said it was done quickly...mine was the exact opposite, slow, slow, laborious. But it's probably just practice, if I HAD to draw with my lefty hand I've no doubt things would improve over time. Based on your 'quick' wrong hand drawing, you'd have no problems.

Wobbly but still interesting, much better than I could do.

My goodness how did you manage to do that, brilliant Margaret.

Oh my goodness, I wouldn’t even attempt it.....I struggle sometimes with my right hand! Well done.

Wobbly but lively too Margaret, I think you’ve done a cracking job. Might have a go myself later.

I couldn't wipe my **** (nose) with my left hand. Impressive drawing, Lefty. Bri

It’s great Margaret! I have painted and written with my left hand when my little finger was broken on my right hand and with practice it’s ok. Now I must try drawing too!

Thank you all for your comments :) It was good fun and would be interested in seeing other folks attempts!

I love your 'wobbly' sketch Margaret - it has wonderful character, and is very good! I can't believe you drew it with your wrong hand. I'm now inspired to have a go at both drawing & painting.

Thank you Clare :) Will be interested to see your"wrong-handed" efforts. I've not tried to paint with my wrong hand - an interesting idea!

Hang on Studio Wall

Inspired by Louise and Lewis had a gi at using my wring (left) hand on the same church I posted the other day - very wobbly!

About the Artist
Margaret Nisbet

I'm an amateur artist. I have drawn all my life - used to be mainly portraits but now a wider range. Did a lot of portrait/figure drawing at classes for a while in the 1990s then had a break from doing much at all until a couple of years ago, since when I've gone back to classes and workshops run…

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