

Well, this has to be painting from real life taken to new heights - paint what is on your desk! Lovely, loose and great fun. P.S. My OCD tidiness probably would rationalise just a tad, lol!

lovely watercolour Louise so free and relaxed

Don't even have a look at our kitchen table. Talk about kitchen sink. Lovely sketch. I have taken your advice ... but I won't re-post.

Messy gal! Like Thea I'm a bit on the OCD side, wish I could be so abandoned. Very spontaneous and colourful.

Thank you Thea, Ros and Gudrun. As you can tell, it's unplanned and the items weren't arranged. It was a really quick drawing of my cluttered table. Also, can I just add that the strange object at the front is a hair brush, not a new fangled paintbrush ! LOL

Thanks also Fiona. The other end of my painting table is worse. I just shut the door!

I like it. I tidied my studio up last month and it took all day!!!!! Sometimes quick and spontaneous produces great results as you've just shown. PS you could always try painting with the hairbrush.

Now there's an idea Dawn. I could have watercolour highlights!

You should see my table Louise! Anyway a great little sketch here!

Great fun Louise. Pen gives a crispness to your tidying up!

Thank you so much Satu and Ruth. These sketches fun to do and obviously don't take long. I've just noticed that my untidy drainer loaded with plates etc looks interesting and what a good excuse not to tidy up. Housework? I'm an artist, leave it, I'm painting it in a minute...LOL (Fiona, cover your ears)

Love the 'gay abandon' - good use of colour.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who works in a mess! No matter how hard I try not too I can create havoc in a small space, anyway it gave you the idea for a lovely colourful sketch!


Don't bother tidying up Louise, it'll be just as bad in hour or two ;o))

Thank you Michael, Debs and LOL Fiona and Carole!

Simply gorgeous, Louise!

And yet again Seok, thank you!

Hang on Studio Wall

A very quick pen and wash of the clutter on my painting table this morning. Time I tidied up?

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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