

I love your boats and this is a great angle to paint from.

Excellent boats and great water effect Lesley. Nice work.

I like this very much, Lesley. An interesting composition, well painted.

I'm sure that I can hear the water lap against your boats Lesley!!! Looking forward to seeing your paintings in Norfolk later on this Summer.

Thanks Tessa, yes I love looking down into the little boats from the pier. Thanks Jim, Lewis and Sarah. Looking forward to meeting you in Norfolk Sarah, I love it up there around Brancaster Staithe.

Hang on Studio Wall
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2 old dinghies tied together, in harbour. I was attracted to the interesting effect of sunlight on the water. I painted a smaller one of these 2 a while ago, and it's been in my mind to work it up to something bigger. 40 x 40 cms oil on canvas.

About the Artist
Lesley Dabson

I love to paint water, with boats, buildings or simply the water in oils. I'm a regular at life drawing sessions where I usually get covered in charcoal!

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