

Super pastel and a great sense of flight

This is excellent and beautifully done.

Great movement, beautifully painted.

This is lovely Julie. Love the imminent landing, displaying the awesome strength of these birds. The colours are beautiful.

Fine work, Julie.

Excellent detail in this painting Julie.

Posted by Nerys B on Wed 02 Dec 12:24:37

Your uphill struggle was so worthy of this beauty of a downward flight painting. Love it!

Lovely painting, but hope the NZ bird was not landing on your car as it would rip all accessories off with half a chance!

You have done justice to these very special and intelligent NZ birds.

Thank you all for such lovely comments. I can confirm my car remains intact... although the same can't be said for the rental car of the recipient of the painting :-)

Hang on Studio Wall

30cm x 30cm Pastel on card. Another late night finishing this (subject to final checks by daylight). The great pre-Christmas painting race is on :) I like the blurry background and out of focus wingtips to suggest movement. But i did find this painting a bit of an uphill struggle.

About the Artist
Julie Wilson

Self taught artist. Particular interest in landscapes around Co Down and animals.

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