Same boy with the beer mats at home 2

Same boy with the beer mats at home 2

Hi Jean, POL is short for Painters Online - this website.... thanks for your comments on the ellies, yes there is not normally much grass around waterholes!

hi jean like this really nice portrait lovely skin tones and the way you have done the hands lovely pose and like the warm background goes well with the shirt the boy is wearing

Hi Sonia. Thanks for your lovely comments. This was a commision so to a large degree, I was restricted to the colours of the family's decor and furniture but I exaggerrated the tone of the peach walls (in reality pastel peach) as I felt it went better to offset the olive greens of their lamp and the lad's trousers so it brought a balance into the portrait. The shirt was dark blue in reality but I felt the dark turquouise, being more of a yellowy - blue would go better to unify the whole, as a painting, as well as a portrait. His mum was chuffed anyway!

I love your beer mat series and this is my favorite! It's so animated and your colors are just lovely.

Hang on Studio Wall

The same boy painted from sketches in his home but a different pose. He was relaxed watching TV as I didn't want him 'posing', as it were, so just sketched him while he watched his favourite programme. His mum says he always sits curled up on the sofa so thought these two in particular caught him just as he is. Sorry about the bottom left hand corner. Couldn't get the photo to be even. The light area is from the photography not the painting. The colours on the sofa are fairly even across the painting in reality.

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