Magnolia Blossom

Magnolia Blossom

This is so beautiful Jacki, I love your background.

Beautifully painted. I like the contrast of the large petals against the smaller shapes of the background.

I have only just come across your portfolio. The paintings are all quite beautiful. I particularly like your unusual backgrounds, they are so original. I look forward to seeing more!

Lovely Jacki, you've really done this beautiful blossom justice? The background is fantastic too.

Thank you so much for the lovely comments everybody - I'm so glad you like it. I certainly enjoyed painting it. I'm really into watercolour granulation at the moment - using it to effect in the background while keeping the flowers fairly plain. As you all probably realise some of the the background has been done with salt. I am a great fan of Ann Blockley's work (Christine you should look her up if you aren't familiar with her work - you'd love it!) and frequently use the techniques that she is pioneering. The geat thing is that no two paintings would ever come out the same, so every background is original. It's really fun to let watercolour do it's own thing in some sections of the painting: I love it.

Hang on Studio Wall

A pure watercolour of an architectural magnolia blossom. Copyright Jacki Stokes 2012

About the Artist
Jacki Stokes

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