North Landing, Flamborough

view down to north landing gouache feb23 smaller

Super, Keith. Lovely sense of space.

It's great and clarity perfected!

It reminds me of the 1930's posters of Norman Wilkinson - beautiful.

Really like this one as well, it has a graphic quality to it.

Terrific work.

I recognised these cliffs immediately. You d really captured the character of Flamborough

Absolutely stunning.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is one of a series of small (15x15cm) gouache paintings in a posterized style. Gouache is a new medium for me and I was struck by the vibrance of the colours. Taken from one of my photos, I have attempted to capture the clarity of an early autumn day overlooking North Landing.

About the Artist
Keith Hodsoll

After a career teaching Physics in Secondary Schools, I have thoroughly enjoyed having the time to explore painting more seriously. Living in the Lake District and with Morecambe Bay nearby, I have had plenty of material close at hand. I have been a keen amateur photographer for many years and…

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