Merchant’s Wife at Tea, after Kustodiev


Well you’ve deserved a rather large drink I would think! Seriously, you’ve achieved something amazing - all that detail and colour and all in the right places ( I haven’t checked out the original, I will). A rather satisfied feeling as well, you made it, you didn’t give up. A very big “ Well done!” from me Frank.

Dare I say it? I think I prefer yours Frank. I like the brushwork, it has a bit of the Impressionists about it, though maybe not the subject matter.

Now that’s what I call a tea! Very nicely painted Frank. I will also have a look at the original which I’m not familiar with.

Wow Frank! I've seen this painting on a few art progs. Excellent result... and 20cm square?? I could never produce anything this complex on so small a canvass.

Love it Ron, great job.

Tessa’s comment made me laugh, though parts of it look quite healthy!

Good job, thats about the width of my iPad. Having looked it up, I think I prefer your version too.

I think you have achieved an ENORMOUS amount Frank. You have done an amazing job.

Fabulous patient attention to detail and a great result Frank. Hat off to you.

I can only salute your excellent work and talent Frank.

Amazing detailing on such a small painting and all painted so well.

Thank you all for your comments, I'm glad you all got a little pleasure from it. This painting will appear in a special display at our club's art exhibition this weekend.

Hang on Studio Wall
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This is just an exercise in copying the work of an artist significantly greater than me, but I have learnt so much about colour mixing and what colours go best together in the process. At 20cm square, considerably smaller than Kustodiev’s original and done in acrylics rather than oil. Many hours work, and I have to wonder (apart from colour handling) what I have achieved?

About the Artist
Frank Bingley

I've had very little tuition over the years except for a two year course during the late 1990s in watercolour. Since retirement in 2012, I now have time to pursue my love of painting. In recent years I have ventured into linoprinting, acrylics , oils and gouache. Gouache is fast becoming my…

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