On the corner, Kenmare

On the corner, Kenmare

It's interesting to compare this one to your latest "standing up" one, which I prefer .... Perhaps try doing this one standing up? Thanks for your kind comment on my latest; much appreciated. Perhaps being half asleep, ie relaxed helps me paint, which essentially is what standing up or sitting down is all about. I haven't had time to think about much other than hurrying to paint before anyone wakes up!

I love the yellow you've used in this Jane, is it a trade secret which one it is? It really brings the building forward from the church and trees. Like Gudrun, I think your last posting is much looser but that could be the difference in subjects. It would be interesting to see if there would be a noticable difference if you tried the alternative.Lol!

you are so good with watercolours Jane :-) i like the coloured buildings :-) this is a lovely and interesting painting :-)

Gudrun, thanks for the comment and the suggestion which I might just have a go at. Fiona, the yellow is from a little Cottman box of half pans and it's called cadmium yellow hue. As for trade secrets, no, I don't have any at all; half the time I'm not even sure what the colour I'm using is called - I just like to see it working and if doesn't, well then I try something else. Rebecca, many thanks for your comment.

Jane, how have I missed your lovely work? I appreciate your above comment to Rebecca, that half the time you don't know what colour you're using...Same here...i go so much by instinct and suspect you do....And thank you for your comment on my work.

Hang on Studio Wall

Painted some months back this is known as Quills corner in Kenmare. The bunting was out for the Food Carnival.

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Jane Adams

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