Maple leaf from book press in colour

Maple leaf from book press in colour

Beautiful delicate piece Carole

That's absolutely glorious, Carole. What a painter you are!

Another Wow Carole !

Superb colours Carole.

Glorious Autumn colours...just gorgeous.

Beautifully done Carole.

Wow, great shades of earth colours Carole, superb.

Lovely vibrant colours on this autumn leaf, it certainly glows well done Carole

Lovely Carole, beautiful colours.

Stunning Carole I love how the leaf motif has developed

Gorgeous colours Carole, very life like.

A lovely touch Carole.

Amazing again Carole. Beautiful colours.

Gorgeous colour Carole. Very effective!

Superb Carole.

Superb Carole. You're the mistress of patience and detail.

Exactly how I imagine a maple leaf, beautifully painted.

Perfect in every detail Carole.

That's beautiful Carole. Real class.

Thank you for very kind comments, so much appreciated.

So that's what it looks like in colours. Absolutely beautiful!

Posted on Sun 04 Mar 08:16:55

Thanks Ibolya, very kind.

Looks amazing with colour Carole.

Beautiful warm colours, stunning, Carole.


Posted by T H on Sun 04 Mar 13:45:43

Thank you Margaret, Mia and Timothy.

Your mixed media certainly works Carole. Lovely painting on this leaf.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Watercolour, inks and bit of pastel

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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