Nuthatch after Eileen Soper. Wildlife artist and childrens' book illustrator.

Nuthatch after Eileen Soper. Wildlife artist and childrens' book illustrator.

Absolutely brilliant and beautiful Carole what gorgeous birds you get a masterwork in watercolour indeed

Lovely painting, Carole. (We regularly get Nuthatches in our garden, interesting little birds - they don't go into our bird feeder, but hang underneath and peck the seeds off the bottom of it!)

This is very impressive, Carole. A wonderful painting!

Absolutely gorgeous Carole...another stunner!

Very lifelike, nice composition.

Posted on Sat 03 Jun 10:07:37

Wonderful painting Carole.

Beautiful detail Carole, love the wispy catkins, the silver bark -very Japanese.

I last saw one of these on a tree outside the gate of my local primary school, nearly 60 years ago, and have never seen one since: I'm sure they're about, but they're very hard to spot. You're lucky to get them in your garden, and it's given a very pleasant painting: that bird on the right looks slightly indignant about something - perhaps she's just been propositioned....

A remarkable work Carole, I love the tree and the birds are wonderful. We see them everyday in our garden when they come for their breakfast of seeds, they seem to be ground feeders so I always scatter seed on the lawn for them.

Lovely little birds Carole.

What a charming painting, beautiful little birds and super bark on the silver birch well done Carole

Sttunning, Carole! The birds are exquisite.

Thanks all for your kind feedback much appreciated.

oh wow... this is so delightful Carole! There is no end to your wonderful talent!

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour. I get these birds in my garden occasionally.

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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