Wildlife Reserve

Wildlife Reserve

What an interesting thing to do Fiona, .interesting painting, colours and shapes,

Great perspective and little tricks of light. Subtle colours. Clever work as usual Fiona. Satisfying work on the Reserve too.

Gosh Fiona you are a busy lady! Lovely work.

Glad to see you're painting again Fiona. Nicely portrayed and I always love this format. All well here, having another week!

It is Sylvia, I was one of those odd kids that skulked about in damp meadows and woods, anywhere really that attracted wildlife. Always went home filthy and would usually have something ‘strange’ in my pockets! No pretty sunfrocks for me! Lol......I’ve just carried on the same growing up. Although now I add my finds to various national record collections. Thank you for your comment.

Like this very much, Fiona. Like Alan I like this wide format.

Thank you Michael, very satisfying......I just love being outdoors! Many thanks Margaret, you’ve got to keep doing a bit here and there! Lol Alan, thank you. Yes I’ve been forcing myself to pick a brush up, starting to get back into it a bit. By the look of your sketches you are having a terrific time......take a fortnight, go mad darling!

You snuck in there Sandra.....thank you very much!

Excellent composition, colours. The trees are particularly gorgeous. Carry on outdoors. At the moment the bursts of blossom, green shoots in amongst the bare branches and brushes look amazing.

Great distance, with a delightful subtlety of aerial perspective, and a gorgeously relaxing palette, Fiona. The various layers tie together beautifully. I'm with the others when it comes to your format choice, mainly because the width really does add to the scale of things, allowing the eye to explore. The panoramic view draws the reader in, as if they were a part of the scene. Lovely! Bri

That is beautiful, Fiona.

Lovely, Fiona, I like the wide format. (I was also one of those kids who spent all their time outdoors in the woods and fields - we made little camps in the woods and knew where all the birds were nesting.)

Lovely work Fiona and you're back! I love these muted colours with the soft greys.

I really like this Fiona, love the colours and the wide panoramic view, great work 😀👍👍

Beautiful view, light and colours, Fiona.

Also, I like all those spiky looking plants in the foreground. Looks good Fiona and well done for helping out there. Worthwhile and satisfying I imagine.

Delicate and delightful, and obviously yours Fiona! Keep up the good work.

You're a very busy lady Fiona and you still find time to produce your little gems.

I love this Fiona! Beautiful and delicate. Which reserve is it? I do something similar with the Friends of my local park (not water levels and rainfall records though) - our latest project is going to be dragonfly and damselfly recording as part of a British Dragonfly Society project.

Gudrun, Brian, Ellen, Jenny, Marjorie, Linda, Cesare, Louise, Dennis, Tessa, Val, and Margaret....thank you all very much for your very kind comments.

Great trees on the skyline and the "shrub" is great.

Thank you very much Richard!

Hang on Studio Wall

20” x 8” pen and watercolour on Jackson’s rough. I help out at a local reserve, mainly species recording, waterlevels and rain fall records. The trees in the centre are skeletons of old Scots pines, the surrounding woodland is mainly birch and alder but it is rich in flora and fauna, some specific to this site and quite rare.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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