

It's just lovely Fiona. Don't touch it.

Fantastic - full of life and movement, not to mention colour.

Beautiful painting i love the colours you have used!

Leave It! Leave it! Leave it Fiona! It's perfect as it is.

Don't fiddle, it's beautiful!

I agree with everyone leave it, looks great as it is.

Many thanks Kal, Linda, Linda E, Sarah and Christine for your advice about leaving well alone. I have a fresh look at it now and again and something is niggling me. The colours are much brighter than this in the flesh but it's awful weather here at the moment so not good for taking photos. I've even had to have the kitchen light on this MAY!! Thanks again folks!

This is beautiful

Forgot to mention the colours used Linda; Cerulean, ultra marine, Viridian, lemon yellow & perm. rose (for the orange) and Tit. white.

The king of birds by the queen of art

Beautifully painted bird, I love it! What about taking the bush and the ground off completely and let the kingfisher be the king of the painting? Only a suggestion Fiona, I hope you don't mind.

Outstanding and utterly beautiful, Fiona!

Really fabulous Fiona, this looks beautiful as it is.

Marie, Gudrun, Dennis, Satu, Thea, Carole.....thank you very much for your lovely comments, they are always much appreciated. Satu, I left just the Kingfisher before adding the water and bush for a while but it looked very empty, it needed something.....thank you for your idea, and no of course I don't mind at all. In fact, I don't like the bush thingy and wondered if perhaps I could translate it into a diving kingfisher in the back ground by adding a flash of orange and white in places. I would appreciate your advice on this.

Thanks Fiona! I know now what was bothering me. It was the water and the bush being painted differently to the bird. They are abstract and the bird is traditional. If you soften those to match the other strokes it will be smashing. I probably wouldn't add more divers because the focal point is the beautiful kingfisher.

Thank you for that Satu, I have just done as you suggested and you are right the water especially, looks much better. The bushy thing, has softened out a little but believe it or not the paint is about dry. I think the only reason the water was still workable is because I lathered it on!Lol. I'll live with it for a while but I may just go back and paint the water and bush out again and wait for divine inspiration...or as you first suggested leave the bird by itself. It will probably be one for a re-gesso. Thanks again.

I've scraped it off Satu!!!!!!! Any ideas??????Lol.

Mix up the colour of the sky and paint thickly the scraped off area so that if matches the unscraped and leave it to dry. After that you'll see and decide if it needs anything more.

Thanks Satu, I'll give it a go. I'll let you know how it turns out, if it's not too bad I might even post.....eeekkkkk!

It will be fine, don't panic! I'm just going to paint over and restart a big canvas. I have spent hours and hours making a view of Paris and now I don't like it. Never mind, it's not the first time...

Fantastic picture, Fiona.

Oh Satu, that must be soul destroying! Good luck with the re-start, and thanks again for your support....I WILL finish it! <br />Many thanks Shirley, really appreciate your comment.

I think you&#39;re done, Fiona! It&#39;s superlative, an accomplished piece. Beautifully painted!

This is fabulous Fiona!

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on board 14" x 12" Old Holland paints. I had the background prepared for a different picture to this but I've haven't got around to finishing it! Not sure if this is finished yet.........?

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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