Time for tea break.


Love the originality of this and the way you have highlighted the importance of hands. I also suffer from very badly deformed hands through rheumatoid arthritis and performing everyday simple tasks, can be very challenging.

Good sketch, Dixie. A great subject, not easy. Good pose here, oddly, I like what you've done with the fingers that AREN'T holding the spoon. Nice work.

Excellent study Paul, my fingers are becoming more misshapen by the day it seems and beginning to impede my ability to play the guitar but thankfully I can still hold a pencil!

A good hand sketch Paul 👌

Thank you all for you comments they are very much appreciated and encouraging. It surprising how many people suffer with arthritic hands, but I suppose they are in use so much. Like our eyes and hearing until it starts to go wrong we take them for granted.

As said, excellent hand sketch.

The hand is hard to do, it’s a very good drawing. Gill

Your sketch by work us first class. The hand us very well portrayed and it must be one of the most difficult subjects to try to draw.

Thank you for your kind comments they appreciated very muck, Richard,Carol,Gillian and Ceri. Going to attempt doing some feet as I think it will be challenging, just keeps you thinking.

Well done Paul. Hands are so tricky.

Thanks Tracy and Christine I appreciate your comments. You are right Christine they are not the easiest of things to draw , but the challenge is good fun and very rewarding, also a lot of learning gained.

Excellent sketch Paul.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 water soluble graphite pencil, I’m trying to develop my skill in drawing people and have become fascinated with hands. The way a hand changes doing the hundreds of tasks a day, how we grip, touch etc makes our hands look different. My interest is probably due to have problems with my own hands.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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