Round Nursery, Higher Poynton

round nursery HP

Beautiful, love the trees

Very appealing David, like the way you've treated the background trees

Lovely painting.

A lovely sense of distance and an impressive dominant foreground tree in this charming watercolour, David.

Thank you all for those much appreciated comments. Round Nursery is the remnants of a small Victorian arboretum on a mound so all the trees have different shapes, colours etc. Heather, I do the background trees with random strokes of 2 weak washes, ultramarine and burnt sienna, using separate brushes for each colour to avoid producing a dull grey.

Beautiful, David especially the trees and sunny grass!


Posted by Bob Hill on Wed 16 Aug 15:27:01

Beautiful fresh work David love it!

This is so lovely David. The trees are so realistic, as is the grass in the foreground.

Lovely. You've captured a real sense of atmosphere. The sky is beautiful.

Thank you one and all for those compliments. Before I painted this one I reminded myself that what I try to achieve in an outdoor watercolour is how it felt to be in that place in that lighting. Your comments tell me that I might have achieved that.

A lovely painting David!

Beautiful nuances - lovely sky and distant trees. And then the light towards the foreground….a simple scene beautifully described, David.

Thank you Karen & Marjorie, glad you like it.

Lovely work once again David.

Really great light in the trees and lovely depth towards the far trees and sky.

Thanks Stephen & Christine for taking the time to comment so positively. Much appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

Round Nursery, Higher Poynton. Painted outdoors yesterday in good weather and good company, what can beat it?

About the Artist
David Whitehead

I have always loved the British landscape – walking in it, photographing it and now, since early retirement, painting it in watercolour. I prefer to paint in the field and have experienced all the difficulties the British weather can present to a painter, from the sun drying the paint on the…

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