Winter Bouquet


It shows that you have a love of flowers and plants. Lovely.


Nicely done and observed David,

It's a beauty David, cross fingers for continued blooming

Thank you all for your kind comments. I am so pleased that you like it. It shows I should never give up on a painting and I should ban my ‘unfinished’ pile 😄

Hang on Studio Wall
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I started this painting some time ago - in the Winter 😄 - but got distracted by other projects. I found it this week in my unfinished pile and decided to finish it off. All the flowers are from my garden and I am just hoping they survive the heat and drought to come back into flower next winter

About the Artist
David Lyon

Hello everyone. I am a relative beginner, taking up watercolour painting in lockdown in advance of my retirement in 2021. After a full career as a scientist, and a training in horticultural sciences, I suppose I am naturally drawn to trying to capture botanical subjects in detail. Lately I have…

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