

I recognize this lady from earlier a good likeness, David. Not surprised the sitter asked for it, it's a beauty. It's also quite a compliment to you, portraits can be difficult...the sitter often has different views on what they look like. (I've done one or two where everybody thought they were spot-on, apart from the actual person portrayed.)

It's a great pose - and I like the style and colour of the painting, David

Beautifully painted David, Nataliya looks gorgeous!

Wonderful portrait David with lovely expression.

Thanks all.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 acrylic on canvas board, finished with oil (most of what you see is acrylic) My friend asked me if she could have this one, how could I refuse?

About the Artist
D Hillman

Inspired by an artist friend I came back to paint a bit at the end of 2017. At the moment I am enjoying it and maybe because I have the patience to look more than I once did I am finding it easier and more enjoyable to actually produce a likeness.

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