Belinda take two


I like both. The first has some nice brushwork showing. The second is quite a bit "cleaner", but not necessarily better. Terrific work, either way.

Both are extremely good, the second looks more polished, but I’d have been happy to have hung the first one as it was.

I agree with Skylar and Andrew. Personally I prefer the face on the lhs as it has more vibrancy and I like the tonal values better

Thank you, this is really interesting. I haven’t actually done anything else to the face but I did work a lot on the shoulder area that looked previously a bit neglected. I also straightened out the shoulder area and removed the distracting bright line around the shoulder and arm area. But I can see now that this additional work made the painting look more contrived. Not that I’m disappointed in the final result as the original aim was to give a back glow through the hair which I think I achieved.

Oh and to improve my hand painting

Both good but I think you’ve improved the original particularly the shoulder and arm

I prefer the 2nd, as has been said already, it looks more polished and for me a warmer and more natural. I do like the top light on the hair of the first one though.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A few days ago I posted the painting on the left. I also put it on a couple of other sites. I had some interesting feedback (not all good but all very useful) I reworked some of the areas that had been pointed out that could be improved. The painting on the right is the reworking which I think is an improvement. So thanks again for every single comment, they really do make the difference.

About the Artist
Michael Masson

Lucky enough to be based in Dorset I have lovely countryside all around me from the New Forest to the rolling downs of north west Dorset and beyond. Add to that it’s just a few short minutes to the sea and you understand why I feel so privileged. Like so many I enjoyed drawing and painting as a…

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