Paddock at Cefn Y Coed

Paddock at Cefn Y Coed

Fresh, very simple and effective watercolour. I like it Colleen.

Thank you, Béatrice. Je vous embrasse xx

This has a dream like quality about it.,something from a childs story book. Love the little black cat.

Thanks, Sylvia. They are cows though! lol I'll have to work on them or the recession, maybe. :-)

Delicate, light and summery. Lovely little painting Colleen.

Thank you. Bronia and Carole. I also did a preliminary watercolour drawing at the site. It was a very clear, sunny, showery day. I had fun :-)

Collee, I had a look round your gallery and I adore your work. Lovely clean lines and you are turning every scene into something adorable. Your work reflects a sure and steady hand knowing exactly what has to be done. Many thanks for your comment on my Strawberry in Sparkling Water. I value all comments because I believe I can only grow by seeing my work through somebody elses eyes. I got the recyled paper from a little stationery store in Saldanha, South Africa. Not realy artist material but I am always on the lookout for something that may come in handy at some time.

Thank you, Elizabeth. That's a kind compliment. Thank you for the info on the recycling paper too. I'll look around here in Wales.

I agree with the above comments, Colleen. This is a very light, sunny, lively painting. Thank you also for posting a comment on Harrie Voet's website about the calligraphy. He appreciates it very much.

Thank you, Mia. It was such a pleasure to see his work. I'm also fascinated by your collaborative work. It's holistic. :-)

This is a lovely, bright painting. I agree with all comments above. It has a very nice feel to it. Many thanks for your comments on my Christmas pic.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour, watercolour pencil and Indian Ink on Rough Cotton 140lb

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Colleen Barton

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