Wild primrose

Wild primrose

I like the composition of this picture Colleen, is it charcoal or pastel? Many thanks for your comments on my snow painting, what I tried to achieve was a winters sky in oils. Regards Norman.

Hi Norman, Many thanks for your kind comments. It's drawn in Caran d'Ache B pencil. Practising drawing, drawing, drawing at the mo. Many thanks for looking, best wishes, colleen

Hi Colleen, looking through your portfolio I found this one which I hadn't seen before. Very well done, there's a lot of work in these leaves you have made a good job of them.

Many thanks, Carole, it took me several hours as I recall. It seems like when I draw I spend hours & when the painting begins, it's whoooosh, although I also enjoy more detailed work! Really nice of you to "come by" :), cheers

Hang on Studio Wall
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About the Artist
Colleen Barton

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