

Really like this Colleen.Well proportioned Bald Eagle and 11 years ago too.Well done.Best regards Paul

Good drawing skills. One of my first watercolours was a bald eagle maybe I should post it to keep yours company !!

Many thanks, everyone! I maybe had some beginner's luck with this one, as I drew him not long after I started drawing every day. I think he told my hand how he wanted to be and I just did what he said actually, coz I had never been able to draw before really. :>) Many thanks for your kind words, best wishes, colleen

Nicely drawn, I think we do sometimes have a bit of help - strange!

Hi Colleen, thanks for getting in touch. Not been ignoring you, been away for the weekend, just back. Will try and post my eagle next week sometime if I can find a photo of it amongst the hundreds on this computer. ( My hubby's hobby is photography and he takes a lot of them !!! )

Apologies, must have had a senior moment, someone asked me to post my eagle, I thought it was you. My mistake, hope I haven't offended you. Thanks for the lovely comments , regards Val

Hi Val, don't worry, no need to apologize. No offence taken. Thanks for your comments, best wishes, colleen

Hi Collen, many thanks for your comment on my own painting. I love the simplicity of this picture it makes the eagle look quite regal

I really like all your work Colleen. This is so well done. Many thanks for your comment on 'Dragonflies'.

Many thanks for your kind compliments, Carol & Margaret! This one is from so long ago, so it special to have nice words on it. best wishes, colleen

Hang on Studio Wall

Eagle on La Poste note paper, pencil & biro, as I recall from about mai 1999.

About the Artist
Colleen Barton

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