Mind map of self

Mind map of self

You are a lady with fantastic insight and imagination. The freedom of the idea and the way they have been put on paper is wonderful. Great stuff.

Many thanks, Thea, what a lovely, kind thing to say! Some of the others looked at it when I was out of the room & i gained the distinct impression they thought i was weird! :). Many thanks for looking & commenting. Really appreciate it. best wishes, colleen

Hello Colleen, thank you for your comment on Ceret. I have tried my website it is fine. I also tried the forum clicked on my profile and the www went straight there. Do have a look it you can. If you leave a comment I will know you got there. By the way I love your collage of drawings here. You haven't been around lately? Best wishes Jeannette

Thanks, Jeannette, did get there in the end. Seems to have changed a lot since the last time. Lovely site, Well done!, best wishes, colleen

Hi Colleen - looks like you too have similar ideas though from a different angle. Love the work. Cheers Euphrosene

Many thanks, Euphrosene, I hope some of our ideas are similar. I felt uncomfortable doing this sketch; it is quite hard for me to think about myself. Thank you for taking a look round my gallery. I appreciate that too.

Got ya Colleen I love this work it's so free and artistic...I think we all have to be a bit weird to put ourselves out there as artists especially if we don't want to paint in the way of other artists...I don't have time tonight but I will be back...I know I have already commented on some of your wonderful works...have you set up a blog yet?

Nice one, Patsy, thanks for stopping by. I scare myself when I think of some of the situations I've got myself into- how did THAT happen!! :) I do have a blog, the raving Outdoor painter, but haven't had much opportunity recently. Will be out there tomorrow for sure. We've got amazing weather for Wales at the mo!

Hi colleen I have taken a long stroll through your interesting gallery...up till now I have only ever found a small part of it...I really do like what I see in your work.

Thank you, Phil! That means a great deal to me. Thank you for taking a look!

Life happens, when the corners of different pages touch, when a memory stings through tomorrow. When the color of a dream, can be faintly felt, as a shadow, through an illuminted window. When we lose ourselves to something Magnificent and Divine. Listening to the shaman in your heart :-)

Thanks, Rod. You're very thoughtful and that implies being kind. A shaman in our hearts. I never thought about that before. You're right, it's important to listen to our inner selves in an open way. I think being completely honest with ourselves isn't as easy as all that. A lot of the world's bad mayhem could be averted if we only were, more often!

Hang on Studio Wall

On my first day of the foundation course at CP last September, we were asked to produce a mind map of ourselves using as many techniques as we could muster with our few materials, this was my effort. Turns out to be a bit uncanny in the end!

About the Artist
Colleen Barton

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