Girl with Dreadlocks

Girl with dreadlocks

Love this Christine and your mark making is wonderful

Superb my favourite of the two .

Excellent work Yana!

Hang on Studio Wall
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Oil Pastel, 40h x 59w cm. At first I called this painting "Girl with a ring" - in fact she has two - but I then felt the golden dreadlocks were the more important and characterful part of the painting, hence the name. This is a fairly new medium for me to use for portraits, and not an easy one, but I enjoy the physical scraping and scratching to reveal different layers of colour, and uninhibited mark-making.

About the Artist
Christine Lafon

A Cambridge based portrait artist, I work in a variety of media. Prevented from “doing art” as a career in my youth, now in the latter part of life at last I have an opportunity to develop this gift after many dry and unproductive years. Portraits with an abstract edge are my passion and I also…

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