Acton Scott Hall - View From The Terrace

Acton Scott Hall - View From The Terrace (looking NE towards Hope Bowdler) - Oil on canvas 100% en plein air, 13-7-2022

Thank you - again. I was attracted by the unexpected blues in the field in front of the trees - a proper old hay meadow with patches of soft blue flowers (possibly self sown linseed?)

I like this one a lot.

Hang on Studio Wall

I forgot to post this yesterday. It's no 2 in the series of 4 from my painting course at Acton Scott Hall; the view from the terrace below the garden looking north east across the Shropshire Hills. It's the only one I painted 100% on site en plein air, and I was going through a lot of intensive learning about tonal values and colour mixing which felt strange and alien at first - so I'm not as happy with this painting as the last two, which were both completed later.

About the Artist
Bobbie Matulja

I'm a busy Churchwarden from a rural parish in South Shropshire. I've been painting and drawing for 13 years - so I would describe myself as an experienced amateur. I'm a member of Ludlow Art Society and the Ludlow Friday Group, who paint landscape en plein air during the summer months with…

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