Cornish Village

In July, 1966, my good mate Dave and me spent a week at Saint Ives, Cornwall. My first impression was of a jumble of cottages, working their way up the cliffs. All my photos from then are long gone. I remember The Ship Inn, we used to drink there every night, there was a photo over the bar of a U Boat crew, that came ashore one night for a quick pint and then disapeared back into the night and depths. There also was KANDAHAR, written across one of the drying sheds for old pilchard nets, then home to the artist colony,. There was the missing retaining wall from the harbour wall, it had been removed and replaced with iron railings by the town council, 'to prevent 'undesirables sleeping there' (hippys). There was the only coffee bar, with its juke box, that I fed with tanners to play Bob Dylan, Like a Rolling Stone, until four trendy hippy girls, told me that Bob Dylan was 'dead', I wonder if all these years later they remember those nonsense words? It doesn't matter because the outcome was, 'yes girls, you can share our tent and food while we're here'. Well we were two, seventeen year old boys, who thought girls had only one use:-) Rowney soft pastel, Unison soft pastel, Derwent tinted, and dark standard charcoal. on a scrap of Sennelier pastel card, light grey, original image siz 4.5"x3".
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