Land, water from above (abstract) 1

Land, water from above (abstract) 1

This started life as a series of lines (sketched out on paper). Part way through I could imagine land and water, turned it upside down, and progressed with abstract landforms seen from above in mind.

I like this Sandra, I've seen similar things on the's a format that appeals to me...part abstract, part realism.

It has possibilities to develop into a small series Sandra. I like the general concept of the aerial view which opens up all manner of ideas to take it a stage further. It could be an idea to hone into a Google map, possibilities galore.

Thank-you very much Lewis, I'm glad you like it. Thank-you Alan. My tutor also suggested a series. I think another couple of recent ones would fit. Great idea about Google maps, I hadn't thought of that, I am sure that there would be lots of possibilities.

I remember the last one Sandra, great colourful abstract.

I love colour so this appeals to me Sandra and I do get the feeling I'm looking down on it from a height.

I see a series of estuaries, lochs, or lakes connected by smaller waterways and patchwork fields. Great idea Sandra, shifts the idea of landscapes always being on a level plain.

Carole, Val, Fiona thank-you very much for your lovely comments. Fiona, your comment has given me some more ideas to play with. I think the next one will start with the series of lochs and waterways with patchwork fields in mind.

It’s like looking out of an aeroplane window, Sandra. I like one a lot.

Ellen, Margaret, thank-you very much for your encouraging comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on 14x18" canvas board. I rather optimistically labelled this 1 as I am thinking of doing more in this vein. Perhaps.

About the Artist
Sandra Kennedy

I became hooked on painting when I joined an evening class on painting "Abstracts in Acrylic" some years ago. Now retired, I was painting fairly regularly until the last couple of years when I've had a "creative drought". This year I'm getting back into painting, concentrating on abstract.

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