Tranquil Pond

Tranquil Pond

Lovely reflections in this and well painted.

Gorgeous work Ann, loving your reflections in the pond, and the trees, lovely lue sky as well

It does look very tranquil, you have painted the water very well and the reflections.

Really lovely piece of work.

Thank you all for your kind comments - greatly appreciated!

Posted by Ann Cook on Mon 15 Jul 18:40:59

beautiful work Ann - I like it

Thank you too to Gudrun and Charles.

Posted by Ann Cook on Tue 16 Jul 18:00:21

Hi Ann thanks for your comment on my pastel self portrait, glad you think i look serene! i had been struggling with it for ages, the serene bit probably comes from the massive sense of relief at having got it finished and posted!!

Hi Ann just seen your lovely comment on my pastel drawing of my son, really pleased you think I have aught his smiley eyes, his eyes are like that so very happy about that x

Hi Ann just found your gallery, what lovely watercolours, especially snow scenes which I love!

Thank you Charles, Gudrun, Ros and Wendy for looking and commenting!

Posted by Ann Cook on Tue 03 Sep 10:09:12

Ann, this is such a lovely painting with wonderful reflections and a very nice palette. Now, what are you doing ???? I'm WAITING!!! Next piece of work, please. You might try my scribble type drawing to start with, but it must be on any old piece of paper that you are prepared to throw away if you don't like it. Remember, no one else need see it, if you don't want them to. Additionally, or alternatively, why not watch Alan Owen's demos on Youtube - just google him. But, please, get going again!

A lovely scene here Ann! like your colours and this scene is full of atmosphere, very tranquil. Thank you also for commenting on my painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

Thought I should stop before the pond becomes less tranquil!!! Seem to have lost the flow these days.

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Ann Cook

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