The Star Inn and The Lock Gate, Stone.

The Star Inn and The Lock Gate, Stone.

This is really something, not as loose as your usual work, but not worse off for it. The reflected colours are gorgeous, and more stylised look really works love the warm colours, a real gem Alan.

This is a super painting, love everything going on there. Colours so strong lines so precise, like it.

This is lovely, Alan. I especially like the trees interacting with the sky.

This is very bold Alan, I thought it was a pastel drawing / painting when I saw it on the gallery. Has a touch of Lowry's style to it with the black lines. I suppose it's a similar sort of urban area.

Love the linework in this one Alan. Nearly moved to Stone once when I was involved in a company take-over in the potteries.

I like this Alan... A great view... And real ale after to boot... I must get down there and have a go... Mind wouldn't produce a beaut like this.

Yes, it's a bit different to your usual style Alan but very interesting with it. I'm wondering how you did the black lines on top of the oil, they are so thin and sharp. Love it!

Superb Alan!

A really strong composition with good colouring. It really catches the eye and holds interest.

another exquisite painting Alan well balanced composition, also love the way colours are echoed throughout David Harrison

Great to have all your comments, thank you so much. Satu, mainly 4B or 6B Wolff Carbon pencil, but also some is oil paint. Remember, I am using the oil like watercolour but using turps, and it dries rapidly on this surface. Helen, thank you, it is difficult to explain my use of red, in this case Light Red, but to say that I am looking for an overall balance of colour and I will put colours where they perhaps don't belong. I am not looking to capture nature, I have a camera for that, I am looking for maximum interest and impact. Hope that makes some sense, good luck with your painting.

Another splendid piece Alan , I wouldn't mind sampling the Ales

I really like this Alan. The colour contrast between sky and land heightens the warmth. I liked your previous works, but this, the industrial/canal scene and the Cezanne like landscape are, for me, in a class of their own.

Love your use of unusual colours Alan, great painting. Sounds a grand pub.

It's now on my list when up your way Alan. Good drawing and tones as always, is that a grain silo behind?

Another style than your usual, Alan, but always masterly worked. Great colours too.

Just love this, Alan. Super composition and palette. Strong piece of work.

Strong, fresh and very appealing Alan....I love how you reinvent your style whatever the medium. This is another cracker!

I missed this Alan a beautiful painting

Another fine example Alan of your ability to capture a scene in a bright, distinctive style. I've just been reading your blog about completing pictures fairly quickly. I couldn't agree more!

Thank you all yet again, what a lot of comments this has received, considering that it was a sort of quick sketch, but that's how it goes sometimes. No Derek, office buildings unfortunately, and terry, thank you for taking the time to read my blog also. More to follow, and I will be demonstrating this medium as a five stage project on the online 'bonus feature' page in early June, a few of you may find it interesting.

A lovely strong, colourful scene Alan.

You produce such bold, confident paintings, Alan - what a striking palette and bold use of lines. Great

Bold and colourful, another winner Alan.

Your graphical skills to the fore in this one = and you do use strong reds very skilfully, drawing the eye through the painting. There was a French Impressionist - would it have been Bernard Buffet? - of whom this reminds me (mind you, I could quite easily have the name wrong). Anyway, it's not his, it's all yours, and as usual - I like it.

A lovely painting , Alan. Love the palette and the composition.

Thanks again, Sarah, Pat, Val and Jennifer, and not last really but Robert, your knowledge of this French Impressionist is a compliment to you art history, thanks yet again, glad you all like it.

Again I love the line and use of colours. It also has a certain warmth.

Hang on Studio Wall

Today's en-plein-air effort in the sun, 15 x 11in, usual oil mixed media on watercolour board. The canal runs through the centre of Stone, a few miles from my home, so plenty of good sketching to be had. The Star Inn is largely unspoilt and is a very fine hostelry serving Real Ales.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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