Old project-FRESH start ;)

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Hang on Studio Wall
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It’s coming together really well Art . 
It’s coming together really well Art . 
Paul  (Dixie) Dean on 12/01/2023 18:35:53
Thank you my friend ;)
Well... It's been a long brake from my routine progress, 6 days It's a lot, but it used to be 11 days before, when I was on 5 days per week rota... That was huge gap indeed! Now, working 4 d/p/w .., 6 days of not painting is prominent improvement to me! ● I've managed today to do another layer of flesh tone to my wife face. I'm practicing to keep the flesh tones under control, which isn't any easy to me. I may do the neck tomorrow and maybe her eyes or lips... Thank you for watching.
Looking good Art.
Looking good Art.
Paul  (Dixie) Dean on 19/01/2023 22:03:15
Thank you... ;)
Coming along well Pog.
Coming along well Pog.
Denise Cat on 20/01/2023 18:16:08
Thank you for keen support Denise  ;) I've finished off the major flesh tone blocking onto both faces, well, it takes me longer than I was expecting... I've improved their lips already, and started on the eyes (at last!, lol). From now on I'm predicting to keep improving smaller areas, to make it look as accurate as I'm capable of.

by PogArt MasSter

I did promise to myself - the eyes for today... I did the hair instead?! How can I lie to myself? Lol ;)
I did leave it behind for some time, enjoying the bird painting lately, but I did come back to it this afternoon eventually ;) I promised to finish eyes, I did mix flesh tone.., and improved my niece's face instead hahahaaa... At this point I'm confused whether I'm achieving any improvement at all, lol ;) I like it though, I think the progress is slow, but I'll get there eventually ;) I'm just learning, experimenting, I'm trying to build up my confidence, get familiar mixing colours, etc... If not now is the time to learn on mistakes, then when? ;)

by PogArt MasSter

Today I went over my wife's face trying add additional layer of the flesh tone, the same way I did on the niece... I ended up with disaster, when accidentally touched the cheek with darker tone... I tried to fix it, but then the paint started lifting off underneath layer... Yes, lol - I did panic  ;) What you can see it's my best to correct that disaster. I ended up having not enough of mixed flesh tone to cover up the neck/chest, but after this much of stress - I left it to finish at next session ;) Frankly I can't say I'm enjoying the canvas surface. The Jackson's described it as oil primed Belgian Linen... If this is primed, why the colours getting very dull next day... I got weird feeling, the surface just soaking the paint, what makes me confused to start with next layers, as I can't really see the exact values... Never mind. It's most probably the last painting I'm doing on the canvas not primed with gesso...

by PogArt MasSter

I'm bend my knees to portraiture artists... I find it very very challenging! Maybe I'm experimenting too much from myself, but being perfectionist doesn't help, lol 🙉 I did finish my wife's chest (how to call this part in english? a decol?), and did my best improving the lips, eyebrows, and some cheek area both sides... I did improve only eyebrows on my niece, because it is really stressful job regarding wife's face! Hahahaaa 🙉 If I do anything wrong - no dinner for next few months 😅😅😅 I took additional photos to show you the palette, and transparent stripe that helps me match colour sample...

by PogArt MasSter

I was pushing away finishing up the white bottom of the painting as long as possible 🙉 Today I've mixed white'ssssss - and go go go !!! Full coverage layer is done 🙈
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