February 2022

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Hang on Studio Wall
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Wow you folks have been busy!  My offering is from one of my favourite artists. I printed a copy and cropped it. I don’t think I made it small enough but you may never have guessed it if I’d tried too small a section!
Tessa, is yours Turner’s Snow Storm - Steam Boat off a Harbour Mouth? Thought this was going to be so easy when I started it, but it was really hard work trying to paint in the artist’s style - and couldn’t get the colours quite right using my wax pastels.  

by Jenny Harris

Part of Van Gogh Iris ‘s ?
Yes Jenny, you were a bit quick there. Just getting my Van Goch book out!
I did remember you are a Turner fan Tessa but didn’t know the name of the painting.
Nor would I have without checking Sylvia!  Yes definitely VG’s Irises 1889, very nicely done.
Yes, it is Van Gogh’s Irises, my favourite of his work.  Tessa, I didn’t actually know the name of your Turner painting, had to look it up.  This is proving to be a really interesting challenge.

by Jenny Harris

Yes Jenny it has made me look up some work to look for inspiration and possibilities for this challenge, which has been interesting in itself, and maybe what Dawn was partly thinking of! I found the Turner style fascinating to try and have only gained even more respect for the scale he worked on. Mine is only approx 8x6”. It always staggers me how people painted some of the massive canvases we see in galleries.
Just got home after holiday but couldn’t wait to join in. An abstract of one of my favourite paintings.
JS Sargent Marjorie ? .  It’s lovely.  Hope you had a great holiday.. 
I too think Marjorie's is Singer Sergeant, not sure which painting.  This theme makes you think.  I'd imagined I had a reasonable knowledge of art, but there's so much art all you can have is knowledge of some of the tidbits that have captured your attention.  I thought I knew Frank's choice well (Lady Jane execution), I've seen it in the National Gallery, but still didn't get it even with the strong 'blindfold' clue.
Isn’t this in your gallery Marjorie?! Lady Agnew of somewhere or other by JSS? I remember it from a few months ago, lovely painting.
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