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Hang on Studio Wall
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And a very good five minutes Sylvia, have fun .
Marjorie:  Dropping paint, sitting in paint, standing in paint, drinking watercolour water, having your pets waddle, run, or step in paint - until you've had at least half a dozen of these experiences, you're not a proper artist.  I think my all time favourites were: spilling masking fluid on corduroy trousers; sitting on a wet palette - realized just fast enough not to snap it in half, but not fast enough to avoid getting a lovely mixture of cadmium red and one of those blues that never washes out on my backside, and struggling with a stuck cap and ripping the top off of an old tube of Mars Orange, which of course went everywhere: over my hand, up my sleeve, splashed my apron .... took me quite a while to learn to love Mars Orange again: ironically, I often use it now.   But these, these are the joys!

by Robert Jones, NAPA

Well I laughed out loud at that Robert - I must be a real artist…I dropped a bottle of pva over a red carpet a while ago but I did manage to remove it( took ages) But you won’t believe this. A few minutes ago my husband came back downstairs after checking all the windows because of this storm that’s going on….into my room…yes, trod in some paint and was carrying his slippers - cad orange, cad yellow and green. Aaaagh! I haven’t dared go up yet to check.
Shazia your perseverance and patience is astonishing.  You have achieved some interesting results. A whole different attitude to painting.   Not like the two messy individuals who have posted below. Blue bum Robert!    Interesting floors Marjorie ! All I do is drink paint water and wash brushes in gin. . 
Do we ever learn, I’m always dipping my brush in my tea no matter how often I reminded myself not to . I remember going to the supermarket one time and the lady on the till asking if I had cut my head, there was a streak of red paint across the top  of my head , I can’t remember having used any  red . A quick sketch of an old power plough, when I live in France as a child  the guy next door had one for his very garden . I think back in the 1950 more people tended to grow veg etc , probably a hangover from the war. 
I attempted a portrait of my youngest daughter yesterday evening in pencil. Had a little trouble with eyes initially as they were too big but I  managed to reduce size. Said daughter and her husband said it’s definitely her so I am pleased with it as it’s the first time I have drawn someone I know.
Nice sketch Gillian if you keep your head still and flick your eyes up and down from sketch to photo you will notice your daughters eyes go down and your sketch go up ...if that makes sense 🤔 
Lovely sketch Gillian, I find portraits so difficult your doing really well and it does look like the photo . 
Always difficult to sketch or paint someone close to you because you notice the slightest thing which is “ off”. For a first try this is excellent. Just yesterday I examined a painting of my daughter, done s few years back. I can plainly see what’s wrong now and am tempted to fiddle…
I think that’s a really good likeness to the photo Gillian and you have a very attractive daughter!
I tried something different this even familiar subject, but decided to try stippling. It’s a lot darker than the photo shows .
Ooh… really like that Dixie!!
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