John Walker

I have painted most of my life. Childhood Christmases usually found a box of watercolours in my 'stocking'. I left school in 1954 and within 6 months I had enlisted in the Royal Navy, starting at the infamous HMS Ganges, near Shotley, Suffolk. Artists country yes, but no time for such things while learning to be a seaman! I stuck it out for 10 years, and became a 'civvy' again in 1964. A year of kicking around in carpentry jobs, made me realise I wanted something better. By this time I was married (1962) and my wife raised no objection to my becoming a Police Officer in Birmingham. When Bobbies were real, and dressed all in blue; not yellow! I did find more time to paint of course, but nothing serious was produced. In 1981 I had to have surgery, and my recuperation was about 6 weeks. At my Doctor's insistence, I had to keep moving and chose to go walking in Sutton Park, a huge park that had once been part of the Cannock Chase. To make things interesting, I started taking a sketchbook and pencil with me... From that, like Topsy, it all grew. Apart from my marriage, and all that entailed, painting was the best thing I ever did on a personal level. Looking at my stuff, I realise I paint a lot of trees and woodland scenes; but I make no apologies for that. After all I was originally a 'Warwickshire lad' and this county was known as the 'Leafy County'. I am still at it, albeit interrupted by various domestic problems. I am NOT complaining, but I was absent for most of 2019 due to an attack of Cellulitis, which took me completely off my feet. How a skin infection managed that I don't know, but it did! I am back walking now, but having failed my eyesight test, I have to give up driving. So painting out doors is going to involve taxis, or my adult childrens' favours to get me about! But I am carrying on. I am now rising 82 years, (Feb 2021) and not thinking of giving up painting! Not ever, nor never, not no-how! John
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