

A fabulous sunrise Rachel, that turquoise and orange combination works so well

Wow Rachel that's just gorgeous. O love the hint of turquoise.

Another superb plein air painting Rachel, works equally as well cropped in half!

Lovely Rachel 👍👍

Posted by Bob Hill on Sun 01 Oct 10:21:07

It's a stunner Rachel.

Well I think you captured the perfect stage here Rachel……it’s fantastic!

"Difficult to know at which stage to paint it.." = quickly! Before it changes again, as it so speedily does. I'm rarely out of bed to see the sunrise, but on those few occasions on which I've dragged myself from my foetid pit of slumber in time to see it, I'd be impressed to see it like this, but not entirely surprised; you've caught it well.

Thank you so much for such lovely comments guys- and yes, Alan, I’d never thought of that, but it does work!

Beautiful Rachel works well 😍

A stunner Rachel. Great colours

You've caught a vibrant sky, Rachel. The colour can change in seconds as the sun rises. Always go with your artistic instinct.

Gorgeous, love the turquoise sky coming through!

You've captured the drama Rachel.

Yes Rachel it’s stunning!! It glows.

Thank you again for such super comments

Think you captured the sunrise at just the right stage Rachel - great colours!

Hang on Studio Wall

Very dramatic sunrise last Sunday, moved through practically every colour on the spectrum just before the sun came up over the horizon, then turned very grey as the sun rose. It’s always difficult to know at which stage to paint it when this happens!

About the Artist
Rachel Wood

I paint Plein Air, and landscapes are my passion. The changing light, never knowing quite what may happen, searching for a subject, meeting passers by, all add to the excitement and richness of landscape painting. My other passion is playing the violin, occasionally in and around the streets and…

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