Larger Sunset - Towards Martham Boatyard


Dare I suggest a couple of fine black vertical lines in the distance Rachel, to give a distinct boatyard impression to a fine paintings?

Dramatic painting Rachel, great brushwork.

I think the darks are just right Rachel, they help the bright light shine . There was a fabulous sunset here last night - I thought about you and told myself that one day, soon, I will have a go myself!!

Lovely painting Rachel.👍

Posted by Bob Hill on Wed 02 Aug 12:33:17

Such a wonderful lively sky, Rachel, and that pale light on the sea is pure magic

I agree with Thalia, like this a lot.

Lovely painting Rachel, beautiful colours

I wish I could capture sunsets and sunrises like you do Rachel, there is a confidence and freedom in the way you put paint on the canvas.

Absolutely stunning Rachel, you do these sunsets well… I get what Jim is saying, it’s probably something that I would have added, but it’s your work!

Great atmosphere Rachel. Wonderful.

Well, thank you all so much. Yes, I think that’s a great suggestion Jim (Alan) as it would add interest and a focal point and thank you for that. Thank you Shaun that’s a lovely compliment. Thank you Sarah great feedback and would love to see some sunsets. Thank-you Bob, Thalia, Heather and Romila- lovely compliments again. Fiona that’s a lovely compliment re freedom and confidence.. I don’t feel very confident😂 , and would definitely love to see your sunsets, they’d be beautiful- And thank you Alan, a really great compliment. And Denise, Thank-you so much.

I love the darks Rachel, so dramatic with light on the water.

Beautifully balanced and dramatic Rachel

Wow looks fab Rachel 🥰

Love the drama of the sunset and the bold brushstrokes Rachel. Super result.

Love this dramatic sky

Hang on Studio Wall

Not too sure about this one, it’s a bit of an experiment- on a 12 x 17 inch canvas - took a bit of painting as everything moves so fast, but loved the freedom of a larger canvas. Maybe the darks are a bit harsh among other things but hope to continue painting on larger canvas. Always open to constructive criticism..

About the Artist
Rachel Wood

I paint Plein Air, and landscapes are my passion. The changing light, never knowing quite what may happen, searching for a subject, meeting passers by, all add to the excitement and richness of landscape painting. My other passion is playing the violin, occasionally in and around the streets and…

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