High Croxdale and Barn

2024-03-01 High Croxdale & Barn

Nicely painted Willie 🙂

A beautiful painting, Willie!!

Very good revisiting!

A lovely painting Willie. I really like the old dilapidated building.

Full of light - lovely!

Lovely sky and scenic view of Croxdale Willie!

Well painted Willie

Re-visiting old paintings in different media: good idea, and Lord knows I've plenty of old watercolours, so no shortage of potential subjects. I like your palette in this one - a touch of the Sisleys, I thought....

Thanks for your comments Stephen, David S, David W and Heather. I'm a sucker for dilapidations Spencer. Thanks Anne, Paul and George appreciated. You seem to know Croxdale Angela -no shortage of subjects there! I'm a Sisley fan Robert but there the comparison ends -thanks all.

Hang on Studio Wall

Revisiting a sketch and watercolour of some years ago this is an oil version 12"x10 on canvas board.

About the Artist
Willie Drea

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