Wivenhoe Quay


Superbly detailed.

Super Vicky, like this a lot and the colours are great too

A very nice picture Vicky, love the detail and the Payne’s Grey on the buildings make all other colours stand out. Well done.

I really like this Vicky, so much amazing detail and I like the palette.

Thank you for your kind comments. It seems that a limited palette is always a good thing!

Very nice detailed work

Love the bank of windows1

Awesome detailing! Very pretty.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour with pen and ink

About the Artist
Vicky Rosenthal

Although I went to art college in my teens it would be a good many years before I had the time to start painting again and of course things had changed a lot in that time. I mostly taught myself watercolour from books and demonstrations and have since gone on many courses. My first love is…

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