And it is ragin’ It’ll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’. Ink and stuff on A2


I really like this Justin.

Lovely painting, Bob Dylan, a good start to a Saturday morning. I do believe the mind can conquer any wall.

Great quote from the master signer songwriter and a painting that does justice to it

This is excellent Justin , like the sentiment too

Lovely painting

The times are certainly a changing. Excellent painting.

Great lyrics and a great painting to match! Another damp day by the feel of it Justin, love that clump of grass in the foreground and the wall….well, everything really.

A great song by Bob Dylan, and a fabulous painting too.

Good colour selections and nicely painted

This works a treat. You can feel the elements in it.

Hang on Studio Wall
1 like

Someone builds a wall … someone climbs over it and it’s no longer a wall for that person

About the Artist
Justin Twigg

Now living the dream, cycling, painting and playing music as much as my side hustles will allow. Recently I’ve been teaching both A and O level Art and Photography at a local college two days a week, which has been a lot of fun, and I’ve learned a thing or two myself.

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