

Lovely use of colour

Thanks, Heather.😍

Lovely ☺️

That is lovely and so vibrant!

Excellent and very colourful as should be

Great colour and beautiful brushwork Shirley.

Bags of atmosphere.

I love the composition Shirley. I really enjoyed having a wander round this scene.

Interesting but difficult subject, well executed. Nice one Shirley.

Hang on Studio Wall
1 like

Started this morning with Brighton Painting Group, and worked on a bit more just now.

About the Artist
Shirley May

Always loved drawing and painting. Studied biology at UEA, PGCE at Sussex, then part-time art studies at Sussex and Brighton, including printmaking. Before Covid I gave a little weekly watercolour class for 7 years. Now I am using acrylics on canvas and paper en plein air whenever possible.

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