

I love it Shirley! Such thick and creamy looking paint and great colour selection. Is it acrylic?

Hello Tessa, Yes it is acrylic. It dries so dark, though. I am continually trying to adjust for that.

Well I quite like the darkness of this. Obviously I don’t know what the light was like when you started it, but it fits the season now. Good one.

That is lovely! Love the way the tree stands out from that amazing sky!

And a very good and successful experiment it was Shirley a lovely painting.

Super good Shirley, love the thickness of the paint

Ooh, I shall try more thick paint then! 😄

Your painting is, to coin a phrase, full of guts - strong image, no prettification - I know you can do lighter work when required. But I like this for its energy. Acrylics drying dark - as a matter of interest, I wonder what brand you're using. Some are far more prone to this than others. Maybe too, if you find you're constantly having to adjust, you may find that colours suitable for oil or watercolour don't work so well for acrylic landscapes, and you need to push the colour up a notch - i.e., try brighter, lighter colours that you'd normally use in other media. Even so, there'll always be a place for the dark, the moody, the tempestuous, and even the grim.

"Than" you'd use in other media, not "that". Pish and fie, this is a mistake I make time and time again......

Thanks, Robert, very helpful! I shall investigate as you suggest. I am using Seawhite's acrylics. Maybe I'll spend a bit more money.

So striking, really like this, Shirley

This is superb

Another lovely painting Shirley

Lovely painting. Lots of energy!

Really well done Shirley, love the energy portrayed.

Two splendid pieces, Shirley. Tons of atmosphere, with lovely depth and layers.

Luscious, I agree with all the comments, great experiment

ooh, I love that thick paint!

Full of energy - excellent painting Shirley.

This I really like

Super painting. Great atmosphere, weather brewing up a storm!

I love the thick paint effect. It gives it strength and movement. Juicy.

Hang on Studio Wall

A small, thick paint experiment yesterday.

About the Artist
Shirley May

Always loved drawing and painting. Studied biology at UEA, PGCE at Sussex, then part-time art studies at Sussex and Brighton, including printmaking. Before Covid I gave a little weekly watercolour class for 7 years. Now I am using acrylics on canvas and paper en plein air whenever possible.

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