Famous painting challenge - guess who?

Famous painting challenge - guess who?

Three Musketeers Sharon? A great crowd, they must be after someone,s blood😖 yes I love the little dog.

Looks like The Night Watch. NOT a project I'd have cared to undertake in watercolour....

I think it's an excellent sketch and very well drawn Sharon.

It is an excellent sketch indeed Sharon! No wonder you got lost doing an oneliner but even so it's super!

What a motley crew - full of interest.

What a challenge Sharon, I wouldn't have dared try this......well done. Is it anything to do with the fact it was Bastille day yesterday?

You're all too kind ! Well done Robert, in spite of my best efforts to disguise the fact, it is inspired by Rembrand's Night Watch, pikes 'n all. That you guessed probably says more about your art history knowledge (or of the dog in art ?) than about my rendering, but as you suggest, it was doomed from the beginning ! Back to the more serious stuff tomorrow.

My art history knowledge is poor so I wouldn't have come up with the answer but I will say, it's a smashing almost one-liner. I like the way you've just indicated the figures at the back and the two small ones, front left are very good. The chap top right (green hat) caught my eye as well. So many interesting figures to look at, good colour and great fun, how could we not like it!

I thought it was Guy Fawkes (no idea why - think it might have been the hats). A brilliant lively guess who - all those figures must have taken some drawing, Sharon!

I guessed The Night Watch straight away! , very complicated thing to tackle and I do love the little dog!

This is very clever and atmospheric!

Cheers all of you, pleased it made you smile. Take this opportunity of wishing you all a good and hopefully creative summer, look forward to seeing lots of inspirational work and challenges on the Gallery.

Just got back on line and catching up with different artists seems like you can attempt anythin Sharon.

Hang on Studio Wall

Couldn't resist having a go when I saw a photo in the paper this morning, I should have known it was a non-starter. Started out as a one-liner, got irretrievably lost, and ended up with this motley crew. Just for fun, but thought I'd post it, someone might at least like the little dog.

About the Artist
Sharon Van Der Veen

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