

Very colourful and vibrant - just like the music he is playing! I wouldn't worry about the mouth because it only needs to be suggested and that is exactly what you have done - result!

Thumbs up from me too !

nice work satu . the mouth looks great looks like hes got a goaty beard . louise was right you are definitely on a roll.

And its a yes from me - great use of colour

I should think you are Satu, the hours were very well spent and the outcome is great!

As usual your use of colour and composition works so well; you capture the ambience as well as the figure. It's a very difficult image to work with and as Michael says, it's a yes form me too!!

You are all so kind. Thank you Thea, Debs, Dennis, Michael, Christine and Gudrun!

What a lovely piece, redolent with the atmosphere of a smoky jazz bar! And you've done a sterling job with the musician, the pose, his expression and yes, the mouth! All good, Satu!

I can hear the music! I like the way you've painted his jacket, all those colours, brilliant.

The hard work has paid off-the colours,layers and marks make this a very exciting image

Thank you very much Seok, Val and David for your kind comments!

Atmospheric colours Satu, perfect for this painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

I'm very fortunate to be able use Jamel Akib's photos as reference sometimes and this is from one of them. I have been standing several hours at my easel really struggling with the player's mouth because in the photo that area is in darkness. I had to wipe it of and start again so many times that I nearly gave up. It's still not perfect but after all the effort I'm quite pleased with it.

About the Artist
Satu Vartiainen

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